Thursday, September 13, 2012

Fall Wreath

I fell in love with white pumpkins for fall decor and I needed to make a wreath to reflect that love :) Okay, if you know me... You know,I LOVE a wreath! 

Here is the supplies you need =

Grapevine wreath (got mine at Hobby Lobby for $2.50) I used 40% off coupon
beaded wire ribbon ( free from another project)
2 spools of ribbon ( Hobby Lobby sale $4.00 for both)
6 foam white/buttercream color on a pick ( Hobby Lobby $1.50 each on sale)
6 brown pipecleaners ( $.97 at Hobby Lobby for a package of 25)
total cost = $16.47, now that's what I love!  These similar wreaths sell for $60.00 on up at stores

I used a beaded wire to weave into my wreath. You can use whatever decor you want, this is just an idea. Then you want to take your grapevine wreath and place your pumpkins on the wreath like a clock. One at 12, one at 2, one at 4, one at 6, one at 8, and one at 10. This will give you equal placement space between pumpkins.  I used ones that had picks that bent so I just weaved them through the back of the wreath.  No hot glue on this project :) YES!
The next step is to make the ribbons to put next to your pumpkins. I layed two on top of each other alternating between what color I put on top. I cut maybe 6 inches for the top color and 8 for the bottom color. I looped the two ribbons and stacked them on top of each other. I folded them in half and took a brown pipecleaner and pulled it as tight as possible and twisted the back. I took the finished loop ribbon and stuck both ends of the pipe cleaner through the wreath and weaved the extra pipecleaner into the back of the wreath. I placed the looped ribbons along side of each of the 6 pumpkins. 
It turned out so pretty. I love the colors I used for the ribbon. It has mustard yellows, and greens and purples and all the rich colors you see in the fall. I then took some remaining ribbon to do a loop to hang it from the front door.  I cheat and I don't use a wreath hanger for the door, I just take my end of the ribbon and tack it to the top of the door so there is nothing showing but the elegant ribbon. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and I can't wait to hang this on the door for the fall season :)

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